Wednesday 12 October 2011


Human in the sticks
  I present a selection of my paintings. They vary in terms of style, design and size. The majority of the paintings are from my matric portfolio and follow the theme of shattered glass/shattered people; nature vs human nature; The questions running through my head at the time spoke of how different are we really from our earth at present? Aren't we all just a shattered people, trying to find beauty within our broken selves? Can the beauty within our physiological selves be reflected in our nature? and is nature reflected in  our physiological self?   These paintings are for sale, price on request and one can email me ( for any further queries. All rights reserved. Alison Schwartz

Mirror Image

Of body and sea


Part 1 of  Creation

Part 2 of  Creation




Distortions - are these shells distorted by water or faces distorted by our twisted essence?

Reeds - what floats on the surface masks the story beneath.

Mothers love

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